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Peer reviewed Presentations

Ford-Jones, P., Donnelly, E. A., & Oehme, K. (2024).  “Treat them like a person:” An exploration of behavioral health emergencies and stigma in the Emergency Medical Services. Canadian Paramedicine Research Day. Online.


Ahluwalia-Cameron, A.,* Guta, E., & Donnelly, E. A. (2024). “Maybe we’re part of the problem?”: A Qualitative Exploration of Provider-Based Stigma of Social Workers who provide care to those living with borderline personality disorder. European Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, Antwerp, Belgium.


Mausz, J. & Donnelly, E. A. (2024) Violence Against EMS Professionals: Leveraging Data to Develop Comprehensive Risk Mitigation Strategy. Wave 2024. Austin, TX.


Ahluwalia-Cameron, A.,* Guta, A., Donnelly, E. A. & Butters, A. (2024). “I Can’t Help You If You’re Borderline”: A Qualitative Exploration of Provider Based Stigma with Social Workers who provide care to those living with Borderline Personality Disorder in Ontario, Canada. Society for Social Work Research (SSWR), Washington, DC.


Mausz, J., Johnston, M., Arseneau-Bruneau, D., Batt, A., Donnelly, E. A. (2024) Prevalence and Characteristics of Violence Against Paramedics in a Single Canadian Site. National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 


Mausz, J., Johnston, M., Batt, A., Tavares, W., & Donnelly, E.A. (2024). Characteristics of 9-1-1 Calls Associated with an Increased Risk of Violence Against Paramedics in a Single Canadian Site. National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 


Mausz, J., Jackson, N., D’Eath, J., Johnston, M., Batt, A., Tavares, W., & Donnelly, E.A. (2024). Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in Contributing to Violence Against Paramedics in a Single Canadian Site. National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.


Mausz, J., Johnston, M., Braaksma, M., Batt, A., Tavares, W., & Donnelly, E.A. (2024). Moving the Needle: What Drives Growing Cultural Acceptance of Reporting Violence Against Paramedics? National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.    


Gardner, D., Maluca, M. Donnelly, E.A., Mausz, J., & Zalkin, J. (2024). Preventing Violence Against Paramedics: A Tale of Two Communities [plenary session]. Presentation to the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.


Mausz, J., Tavares, W., Johnston, M., Batt, A., & Donnelly, E. A. (2023). Violence against paramedics: Findings from a mixed methods research program. Canadian Paramedicine Research Day. Online.


Ahluwalia-Cameron, A., Guta, E., & Donnelly, E.A. (May 2023). Provider Based and Structural Stigma: Clinical social workers in Ontario describe their experiences of providing care to people living with Borderline Personality Disorder. Canadian Association of Social Work Education (CASWE), Toronto, Ontario.


Mausz, J., Braaksma, M. J., & Donnelly, E. A. (2023). Violence against paramedics: User experience feedback on a novel reporting process. Poster presentation at the BC First Responder Mental Health Conference, Richmond, BC .


Bradford, R. D.,* Donnelly, E. A., & Mausz, J. (2023). The impact of address flagging on violence experienced by paramedics. National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.


Ahluwalia-Cameron, A., Guta, A., Donnelly, E.A., Cameron, M., & Weller, M. (2022, November). Stigma and Barriers: Clinical Social Workers in Ontario Describe their Experiences Providing Care to People Living with Borderline Personality Disorder. WE-SPARK Health Research Conference, Windsor, Ontario.


Mausz, J., Piquette, D., Batt, A., Donnelly, E. A. (2022) Violence Against Paramedics: Is Address Hazard Flagging Useful? Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs (OAPC) Annual General Meeting, Niagara Falls, ON


Mausz, J., Piquette, D., Batt, A., Donnelly, E. A. (2022) Violence Against Paramedics: Is Address Hazard Flagging Useful? Paramedicine Across Canada Expo (PACE), Saskatoon, SK.


Mausz, J., Johnston, M., & Donnelly, E. A. (2020) Violence against paramedics: Challenges and opportunities in mitigating a complex and growing problem. Paramedic Chiefs of Canada Annual Leadership Summit, Kelowna, BC. (Conference canceled)


Valenzuela, B. E.*, Charron, C. M,* Donnelly, E. A., & Oehme, K. (2020). A first response: Educating paramedics on signs of human trafficking. UWill Discover Student Research Conference, Windsor, ON. (Conference canceled)


MacPhee, R., Donnelly, E. A., Fischer, S., & Barris, D.* (2019). Substance use and mental health in paramedics. 10th Annual Canadian Institutes of Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Ottawa, ON.


MacPhee, R., Donnelly, E. A., & Fischer, S. (2019). Why are paramedics leaving the profession? 10th Annual Canadian Institutes of Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Ottawa, ON.


Mausz, J., Donnelly, E. A., Moll, S., & McConnell, M. (2019). Unpacking the Sociocultural Characteristics of Paramedic Mental Health: a Grounded Theory Study. 10th Annual Canadian Institutes of Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Ottawa, ON.


Mausz, J., & Donnelly, E.A. (2019). Assessing Workplace Wellness and Wellness Programs. Paramedic Chiefs of Canada Annual Leadership Summit, Charlottetown, PEI.


Mausz, J., & Donnelly, E.A. (2019). Assessing Workplace Wellness and Wellness Programs. CMHA Ontario’s Roadmaps to Resiliency: Investing in Mental Wellness for Ontario’s Workplaces, Toronto, ON.


Donnelly, E. A., MacPhee, R., & Fischer, S. (2019) Do mental health concerns contribute to paramedics leaving the profession? National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.


Donnelly, E. A., MacPhee, R., Fischer, S., & Barris, D. (2019). Alcohol use, Substance use, and mental health in paramedicine. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.


Taillieu, T., Afifi, T. O., Turner, S., Carleton, R. N., Vaughan, A., Anderson, G. S., Krakauer, R., MacPhee, R. S., Ricciardelli, R., Cramm, H. A., Groll, D., Griffiths, C. T., Donnelly, E. A., & McCreary, D.R. (2018). Traumatic exposures, occupational stressors, and mental disorder symptoms among Canadian Public Safety Personnel. 9th Annual Canadian Institutes of Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Regina, SK


Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., Hedges, C., Davis, M., Socha, D., & Morassutti, P. (2018). A novel measures to capture transactional stress in Paramedic Services. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.

   -Also presented at the 2018 Canadian Association of Emergency Medicine (CAEP)  Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB.


Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., Hedges, C., Davis, M., Socha, D., & Morassutti, P. (2018). Understanding how transactional stress relates to safety outcomes. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.


Donnelly, E. A. & Barber, B. (2017). Finding first responders: Working with police, fire, and emergency medical professionals. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.


Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., Hedges, C., Davis, M., Socha, D., & Morassutti, P. (2017). Stress and safety in EMS: Understanding how work stress and fatigue influence safety outcomes. Paramedic Chiefs of Canada Leadership Summit, Halifax, NS.


Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., Hedges, C., Davis, M., Socha, D., & Morassutti, P. (2017). Fatigue, shiftwork, and safety outcomes in Canadian paramedics. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.


Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., Hedges, C., Davis, M., Socha, D., & Morassutti, P. (2017). What influences safety in EMS? Investigating stress, fatigue, and safety outcomes. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.


Donnelly, E. A,. Bradford, P., Hedges, C., Davis, M., Socha, D., & Winter, E. (2016). Stress and safety in EMS: How work-related stresses and fatigue relate to safety outcomes. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.


Valentine, C., Donnelly, E. A., & Oehme, K. (2015) Law enforcement officers and employee assistance programs: An exploratory study of knowledge and usage. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.


Bradford, P., Donnelly, E. A., Lewell, M., Morassutti, P., Hedges, C., & Mellow, R. (2013). Sources of support for paramedics managing work-related stress in a Canadian EMS service responding to multisystem trauma patients. Trauma Association of Canada (TAC) Scientific Conference, Whistler, BC


Donnelly, E. A. (2013). Alcohol use and misuse in the Emergency Medical Services. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, Florida.


Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., Mellow, R., Hedges, C., & Morassutti, P. (2013). Relative influence of different stresses on PTSD in a Canadian EMS service. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, Florida.


Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., & Rodriguez, S. (2013). Comparing work-related stress and stress reactions in American and Canadian EMS personnel. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, Florida.


Levitz, N.*, Carter, J.*, & Donnelly, E. A. (2012).  Taking care of ourselves: Exploring professional impairment in social work. Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) Annual Conference, Waterloo, ON.


Donnelly, E. A., & Chonody, J. (2012). Assessing chronic stress in the emergency medical services. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.


Donnelly, E. A. (2011). Investigating the influence of occupational stress exposure on the development of posttraumatic stress symptomatology in EMS personnel. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, Florida


Donnelly, E. A. (2010). Investigating critical incident stress in the emergency medical services. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.


Donnelly, E. A. (2009). The Emergency Medical Services Role Identity Scale (EMS-RIS): A validation study. National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.


Hinterlong, J & Donnelly, E. A. (2009). The impact of widowhood on older adults' social participation and volunteerism. Society for Social Work Research Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.


Donnelly, E. A. (2007). The raha of Kuwaiti women: Results of a national survey in Kuwait. Third Gulf Symposium on Gulf Women: Social Action, Social and Political Challenges, Kuwait City, Kuwait.


Ridha, H., Al Naser, F., Figley, C R., and Donnelly, E. A. (2007). Age, gender, and mental health: Results of a national survey in Kuwait. Third Gulf Symposium on Gulf Women: Social Action, Social and Political Challenges, Kuwait City, Kuwait.


Figley, C. R., Donnelly, E. A., Ridha, H., & Al Nasar, F. (2007). Post-Saddam Kuwait: A national household survey of post-traumatic stress. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Division 56, San Francisco, CA.


* Denotes University of Windsor student authorship

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