Peer-reviewed Publications
Donnelly, E. A., Ford-Jones, P., & Oehme, K. (in press). “Treat them like a person:” An exploration of behavioral health emergencies and stigma in the Emergency Medical Services. Stigma and Health.
Batt, A.M., Lysko, M., Bolster, J.L., Poirier, P., Cassista, D., Austin, M., Cameron, C., Donnelly, E. A., Donelon, B., Dunn, N., Johnston, C.W., Lanos, C., Lunn, T.M., Mason, P., Teed, S., Vacon, C., & Tavares, W. (2024). Identifying features of a system of practice to inform a contemporary competency framework for paramedics in Canada. Healthcare, 12(9), 946. [full text]
Mausz, J., Piquette, D., Bradford, R., Johnston, M., Batt, A., & Donnelly, E. A. (2024). Hazard Flagging as a Risk Mitigation Strategy for Violence Against Paramedics. Healthcare, 12, 909. https:// [full text]
Mausz, J., D’Eath, J., Jackson, N. A., Johnston, M., Batt, A., & Donnelly, E. A. (2024). Sexist, racist, and homophobic violence against paramedics in a single Canadian site. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(4), 505. [full text]
Mausz, J., Braaksma, M-J., Johnston, M., Batt, A., Donnelly, E. A. (2024). Paramedic willingness to report violence following the introduction of a novel, point-of-event reporting process in a single Canadian paramedic service. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 21(3), 363. [full text]
Mausz, J., Johnston, M., Arseneau-Bruneau, D., Batt, A., & Donnelly, E. A. (2023), Prevalence and characteristics of violence against paramedics in a single, Canadian site. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(17), 6644. [full text]
Mausz, J., Salvis, S., Arseneau-Bruneau, D., & Donnelly, E. A. (2023). Women’s participation in leadership roles in a single Canadian paramedic service. Prehospital Emergency Care 27(8), 1083-1087. [full text]
Mausz, J. & Donnelly, E. A. (2023). Violence against paramedics: Protocol for evaluating two years of data from a novel, point-of-event reporting process. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, e37636. [full text]
Mausz, J., Donnelly, E. A., Moll, S., Harms, S., Tavares, W., & McConnell, M. (2022). Mental disorder symptoms and the relationship with resilience among paramedics in a single Canadian site. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4879. [full text]
Mausz, J., Donnelly, E. A., Moll, S., Harms, S., Tavares, W., McConnell, M. (2022). Role identity, dissonance, and distress among paramedics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2115. [full text]
Charron, C. M.,* Valenzuela., B. E.,* Donnelly, E. A., & Oehme, K. (2020). What do EMS professionals know about human trafficking? Assessing the impact of training. Journal of Human Trafficking. [abstract]
Trudgill, D.*, Gorey, K. M., & Donnelly, E. A. (2020). Prevalent posttraumatic stress disorder among emergency department personnel: Integrative research review. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7. [full text]
Donnelly, E.A, Bradford, P., Hedges, C., Davis, M., & Socha, D, Morassutti, P., & Pichika, S. (2020). What influences safety in paramedicine? Understanding the impact of stress and fatigue on safety outcomes. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians (JACEP) Open, 1(4), 460-473. [full text]
Carleton, R. N., Afifi, T. O., Taillieu, T., Turner, S., Ricciardelli, R., Vaughan, A., Anderson, G. S., Mason, J. E., Krakauer, R., Donnelly, E. A., McCreary, D. R., Camp, R. D. II, Groll, D., Cramm, H. A., MacPhee, R. S., & Griffiths, C. T (2020). Assessing the Relative Impact of Diverse Stressors among Public Safety Personnel in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(4), 1234. [full text]
Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., Hedges, C., Davis, M., Socha, D., & Morassutti, P. (2019). Fatigue and safety in paramedicine. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 21(6), 762-765. [abstract]
Donnelly, E. A., Oehme, K., Barris, D.*, & Melvin, R. (2019). What do EMS professionals know about human trafficking? An exploratory study. Journal of Human Trafficking, 5(4), 325-335. [abstract]
Donnelly, E. A., Cameron, A. A.*, Bucciachio, P.*, & Tong, J.* (2017). Learning about behavioral emergencies: An evaluation of paramedic textbooks. International Paramedic Practice, 7(3), 37-41. /10.12968/ippr.2017.7.3.37 [abstract]
Oehme, K., Stern, N., Donnelly, E. A., & Melvin, R. (2016). Improving the Emergency Medical Service system’s response to domestic violence. Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine, 26(1), 173-204. [full text]
Donnelly, E. A., Oehme, K., & Melvin, R. (2016). What do EMS personnel think about domestic violence? An exploration of attitudes and experiences after participation in training. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 38, 64-69. [abstract]
Donnelly, E. A., Bradford, P., Davis, M., Hedges, C., & Klingel, M. (2015). Predictors of posttraumatic stress and preferred sources of social support in Canadian paramedics. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 18(3), 205-212. [full text]
Donnelly, E. A., Valentine, C., & Oehme, K. (2015). Law enforcement officers and employee assistance programs. Policing: an International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 38(2), 206-220. /10.1108/PIJPSM-11-2014-0116 [full text]
Donnelly, E. A., Siebert, C. F., & Siebert, D. C. (2015). Development of the Emergency Medical Services Role Identity Scale. Social Work in Health Care, 54(3), 212-233. [abstract]
Donnelly, E. A., Chonody, J., & Campbell, D.* (2014). Measuring chronic stress in the Emergency Medical Services. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 29(4), 333-353. [abstract]
Donnelly, E. A., & Bennett. M.* (2014). Development of a critical incident stress inventory for the Emergency Medical Services. Traumatology. 20(1), 1-8. [abstract]
Oehme, K., Donnelly, E. A., & Martin, A. (2012). Alcohol abuse, PTSD, and officer-committed domestic violence. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. [abstract / full text]
Donnelly, E. A. (2012). Work-related stress and posttraumatic stress in the emergency medical services. Prehospital Emergency Care, 16(1), 76-85. [abstract]
Oehme, K., Siebert, C. F., Siebert, D. C., Stern, N., Valentine, C., & Donnelly, E. A. (2011). Protecting lives, careers, and public confidence: Florida’s efforts to prevent officer-involved domestic violence. Family Court Review, 49(1), 84-106. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2010.01355.x [abstract]
Figley, C. R., Chapman, P. L., Ashkanani, H., Al Naser, F., & Donnelly, E. A. (2010). Well-being in a deeply religious society in the shadows of war: Results of a household survey of Kuwaitis. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(4), 597–604. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-0025.2010.01064.x. [abstract]
Donnelly, E. A. & Hinterlong, J. E. (2010). Continuity of social participation and changes in volunteer activity among recently widowed older adults. The Gerontologist, 50(2), 158-169. [abstract]
Donnelly, E. A. & Siebert, D. C. (2009). Occupational risk factors in the emergency medical services. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 24(5) 428-435. [abstract]
* Denotes University of Windsor student coauthor